(Jump in the air and celebratory dance with donkey. Check)
Although I do a large amount of the pattern cutting myself, (i have always enjoyed it and my slightly mathematical brain lends its helping, if a little rusty hand) I have hired the help of a lovely lady called Lara, who specializes in this trade, to assist me in the more complicated and time consuming varieties; and I love her.
Lara is a working mum and turned up to drop the finished patterns off with her 2 young girls - proper little characters who proceed to wrap themselves around me, jump from stool to stool, throw pens on the floor and finish me off with a good bout of flatulence. Mummy, who is "trying to talk business with the nice lady" is as calm as a cucumber and sweetly asks the girls to sit down, stop throwing stuff at me and apologize immediately for said wind. Just my kind of people. Keepin it real folks.
Anyway the patterns are perfect and we have a great thing going where I can give her designs and toiles as and when and she can turn them around pretty quickly and at a reasonable, non-London price. Then after they have been fitted, tweaked and perfected they get shipped off 200m down the road to the seamstress who is also fab and very talented.
All from my little advert in the paper. Who would have thought the Island was such a little treasure trove.
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